EiS Projects New Project Submit
This report/process populates Projects Measures for all valid Projects/Tasks on PA Period and GL Period levels in EiS Project datamart for given list of Projects and Date of Range. These numbers are used for reporting purpose in Projects module. This process needs can be executed on demand and it will populate/update Project Datamart for supplied Project(s) only.
This process could be executed when new Projects or Tasks have been created and the user would like to process the data for those projects/tasks in project datamart. This process can also be executed when the user has entered or processed cost/revenue/invoice/budget transaction in system and would like to reflect it in Project datamart. This process can be executed on demand (manually) as and when required by a Oracle E-Business Suite Developer/System Administrator.
To run EiS projects new project submit:
- Navigate to Reports > All Reports.
- Search for EiS Projects New Project Submit in all reports tab.
- Click on Run icon to navigate to Submit page.
- Click on Submit button to run the process.
EiS Projects New Project Submit Parameters
Responsibility: Select a valid EBS responsibility from Responsibility drop down.
Projects: This mandatory parameter will accept individual project numbers (or list of projects) to be processed and will populate the datamart for applied projects.
Start Date: This mandatory parameter will be required to fetch valid projects transactions for the given date range.
End Date: This mandatory parameter will be required to fetch valid projects transactions for the given date range.
Threads: This parameter is required to run the process with multi-threading processing. It will invoke more number of threads for same process at the back end to complete the process fast and swiftly.
Debug: This parameter is required to debug the execution of initialization process. If this is passed as Yes, it will log additional information which is more relevant to System Administrator and Developers to debug the issues. User can run the report with default value as No.