MySQL Database Clone

If the user is using MySQL as the meta data repository, then follow these instructions:

  1. Take the backup of splash_mds and splash_demos databases using following commands.
  2. Login as administrator privileged OS level user to source instance and open command prompt as administrator privileges.
  3. Go to C:\Splash BI 2.5.1\mysql\bin path in command prompt. (If SplashBI is installed different location then above path will change.)
  4. Use mysqldump command: C:\Splash BI 2.5.1\mysql\bin>mysqldump.exe -u root -p --default-character-set=utf8 --routines --events splash_mds > splash_mds.dmp.
  5. Enter the mysql root password.

Repeat the same steps for splash_demos database backup.

  1. Copy splash_mds.dmp and splash_demos.dmp files from source to target instance.
  2. To restore the mysql database splash_mds, MySQL should be already installed in target instance. If the user doesn't have MySQL on target instance, then use the SplashBI Installation Guide to create one.
  3. Login as administrator privileged OS level user to target instance.
  4. Use mysqldump command: C:\Splash BI 2.5.1\mysql\bin>mysql.exe -u root -p splash_mds < splash_mds.dmp.
  5. Enter the mysql root password.

NOTE: Repeat the same steps for splash_demos database to restore.