MySQL Database Clone
If the user is using MySQL as the meta data repository, then follow these instructions:
- Take the backup of splash_mds and splash_demos databases using following commands.
- Login as administrator privileged OS level user to source instance and open command prompt as administrator privileges.
- Go to C:\Splash BI 2.5.1\mysql\bin path in command prompt. (If SplashBI is installed different location then above path will change.)
- Use mysqldump command: C:\Splash BI 2.5.1\mysql\bin>mysqldump.exe -u root -p --default-character-set=utf8 --routines --events splash_mds > splash_mds.dmp.
- Enter the mysql root password.
Repeat the same steps for splash_demos database backup.
- Copy splash_mds.dmp and splash_demos.dmp files from source to target instance.
- To restore the mysql database splash_mds, MySQL should be already installed in target instance. If the user doesn't have MySQL on target instance, then use the SplashBI Installation Guide to create one.
- Login as administrator privileged OS level user to target instance.
- Use mysqldump command: C:\Splash BI 2.5.1\mysql\bin>mysql.exe -u root -p splash_mds < splash_mds.dmp.
- Enter the mysql root password.
NOTE: Repeat the same steps for splash_demos database to restore.