Drilldown Configurations

There are four types of drilldown. Click on Drill icon to configure the drill.

  • Same Chart: Select this option to drill down into the same chart dimensions. Add single dimension or multiple dimensions and the drill down will be based on the measures field.

Here as you observe, the dimension 1 is Country and Dimension 2 is City. The selected Drill On item is Credit Limit. Click OK and run the chart.

Click on any bar to view the information of a country, its states and the credit limit in each state.

In the image above the selected country is Australia, Victoria is that state and the value mention is the credit limit in the state.

  • Other Chart: It will call another chart. Child chart will be an available chart which is already created.

The chart 1 chosen is Test Drill 1 while the other chart selected is Average Salary by State. The drill down is credit limit. Here after running the chart, the average salary from each state is displayed.

  • Dashboard: Child chart will be an available dashboard which is already created.

Connect to a chart from another dashboard and use the drill down. You can include/exclude filters for more customized drill down.

Here the dashboard chosen is test drill db. Credit Limit is the drill factor. Choose filters to visualize the exact data.

  • URL: redirect to configured valid URL.

The drilldown element will be redirected to the mentioned URL, here google.com.

Clicking on the pie diagram will be redirected to google.com.

Drill Header

Now user is able to see column values and some custom text entered in drill.

For Table queries drill, Drill Set, chart to chart, URL, Attachment — Be it any type, Drill Header Title will be framed properly and shows it in Drill popups.

Shows Drill Title box in the drill down screen.

Along with custom text, if the user configures "column_name" ":filterName" "drillValue" based on these options will dynamically replace these place holders during run time so that user can define proper language and meaning to the header title.