Importing Charts/Dashboards
To import a Chart/Dashboard, click the icon. You will be prompted to locate the file extension of chart to import.
Import chart/dashboard in two ways:
- By selecting the file using Browse option.
- By pasting the XML content using Paste XML option.
- By default browse radio button is checked.
- Select the zip file from desired folder. Once the file is selected, click OK. The file format must be in XML. The chart/dashboard will be created based on XML file details available in the zip file.
Paste XML Method
In Paste XML method, copy the XML content of chart/dashboard which is exported in paste XML text area.
- Click OK after pasting the XML content.
Security Options in Import
The options User Mappings, User Groups, Responsibilities, Share will be shown only then the Security option in the import screen.
User Mappings option when selected, it will read only the user mappings information from the user_mappings folder
User Groups option when selected, it will read only the user group information from the user_groups folder and the user group details from the user_group_details
Responsibilities option when selected, it will read only the responsibility related information from the roles and role_details
Role groups option when selected, it will read only the role groups related information from the role_groups and role_group_details.
Selecting the Share option ,it will read the data from report_security folder and dump the report security information available in the export script.