Migrate Responsibilities

In this tab, list of loaded responsibilities are displayed ready to be migrated to Splash.

  1. Select an EUL connection from the list of connections.
  2. Enter the connection name to perform the search.
  3. Select this to perform an operation on the entire data at at time.
  4. The list of responsibilities data can be displayed based on the options provided below.

  • Migrated:                  Only migrated responsibilities list is displayed.
  • Error:                      Displays error out responsibilities data list during migration.
  • Not Migrated:          Displays responsibilities list that are not migrated.
  • All:                          Displays all the migrated, non migrated and error out list.

5.   Migrate multiple responsibilities which are selected using the check box.

6.   Deletes multiple responsibilities data from the list which are selected using check box.

7.   Migrate responsibilities at row level and after clicking on it, navigate to processes tab.

8.   Displays the status of the responsibilities.

9.   Displays the information like workbooks access for the responsibilities and invoices hold for the selected responsibilities.

10.  Deletes the selected responsibilities from the migrate responsibilities list.